Making your digital waivers safe, trusted and legally binding
When everyone’s signed the document, you’ll get a full copy of all signatures with a certificate showing you: each signing party; dates, IP addresses, and fingerprints; a full audit log. The document is stored securely in your account for easy access, by just you, at any time.
To ensure all your documents are secure and legally binding, we provide:
- eIDAS compliance & exceedance of UK eSign regulation
- Detailed audit log stored for each signature action
- Identification of users verified before permitted to send documents
- Document integrity checked, always
- Unique fingerprint IDs for each document
- Secure storage of documents and data
- Signatory identity verified via email address, timestamps and geo-tracking
- SSL 256-bit AES/RSA encryption
Only you and people you’ve authorised can access documents. We offer the industry standard, which is the basic electronic signature. This is because it’s a legally binding electronic signature, that’s user friendly for both the sender and the signer. How does WAIVERFORM® comply? Well, in order to fully comply with eIDAS regulations, your electronic signature needs to show two things:
- An intent to sign
- Confirmation of the signer’s identity
How do we get an “intent to sign”? This is achieved when your signer clicks on the button that submits their signature. Your signer’s identity is confirmed by the email address to which the document is sent.

What is the eIDAS Regulation?
‘eIDAS’ is an abbreviation of “electronic identification and trust services”. It refers to a range of services that help verify the identity of individuals and businesses online, as well as the authenticity of electronic documents, like waiver forms.
The eIDAS Regulation came into effect on 1 July 2016, replacing the existing eSignatures act with laws standardised across the whole of the EU. The UK has some additional specific provisions on its effect, supervision and enforcement, which are set out in the Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions Regulations 2016. These in turn have been since modified to reflect changes brought in by the Data Protection Act of 2018.
The purpose of the eIDAS regulation is to provide a common legal framework and consistent rules for recognising electronic IDs and signatures, and thus to enhance the trust in such electronic document transactions. For example, under eIDAS regulation an electronic signature shall not be denied legal effect and admissibility as evidence in legal proceedings solely based on the fact that it is in electronic form.